Tod Foley

A Character Background Generation System for near-future science fiction
A neighborhood-based approach to City Prep for Cyberpunk and Post-Cyberpunk Campaigns
CORE produces emergent stories that are character-driven, dynamic, and unpredictable
Open-Ended Far-Future Science Fiction Adventure
A Surrealistic Science-Fiction-Horror-Comedy-Combat Adventure
An ensemble game about secret ninja drama
System-Agnostic Retro Horror Plotfield Generator
A CORE-based Orbital Odyssey
System-Agnostic Noir Plotfield Generator
A Near-Future Fiasco Playset
A collaborative game allowing any number of players to create their own custom apocalypse.
A CORE World of Far-Flung Posthuman Adventure
A DramaSystem game of drugs, money & magic.
A CORE World of Supernatural Adventure
A Surreal Science Fiction Reality-Hopping RPG, based on the CORE system
a psychoactive toolkit for surreal adventures in weird worlds
Fillable PDF Player Character Sheet
Cheatsheet for CORE games
Physical Feats rules for CORE worlds
A silly little storygame for people with pockets, and things in them.
A system-agnostic table for determining the results of magical mess-ups